January Goal Check-in and Couch-to-5-Miler Running Program


January’s almost over, folks — how are we doing on all those New Year’s promises?

While I’m not one for resolutions myself, per se, I do have those five goals toward which I’ll be working this year. And I’ll be holding myself accountable via the blog, of course, so here’s a little update one month in:

1. Exercising (some self control):  I’m still managing some residual aches and pains — namely that nagging case of plantar fasciitis, occasional lower back pain and a tendon twinge in my wrist that just popped up — so I’m trying to restrain myself from doing too much too soon and am focusing on lots of cross-training and rehab while slowly ramping up my running, mostly on the trails.

2. Heart rate training: While I don’t monitor this for every workout yet, I have been using my Wahoo Fitness TICKR for spin classes and shorter road runs to ensure I’m staying well within my range. But if I want to see progress, I know I’ll have to start doing this more regularly with every sweat session.

3. Swimming: While I’m working on figuring out next steps, I’ve made it a goal to hit the pool once a week for a workout. So far…well, I’ve got to get after this one!

4. Racing schedule: It’s coming along, as you can see here.

5. Team LUNA Chix Portland Run: We’re official! Check out our website here, and don’t forget to mark your calendar for April 6, which marks our first workout of the season — runners of all ages/levels/abilities are welcome: Join us!

 In the meantime, though, a few of my teammates asked about pre-season prep, which got me thinking…why not create a quick-‘n-dirty Couch-to-5-Miler running program?

Couch to 5 Miler

Disclaimer: I’m not a certified running coach, and you should consult your health care provider before starting any program and adapt it accordingly. I have been running and training myself (for better or for worse!) for a while, though, so if I was starting from scratch after some time off, this is the approach I’d take.

Here are some helpful hints if you’re going to take this program on:

  • Cross training includes any non-running cardio activity, such as elliptical, bike, walking, dance, etc.
  • Strength training is optional, but recommended, and includes things like free weights, a kettlebell class or barre
  • Stretching includes foam rolling, yoga or simply your favorite series of feel-good stretches
  • Run pace should be *comfortable* — that is, don’t worry about pushing it right out of the gate; build a base first
  • Feel free to swap days around depending on your schedule, but try to avoid two consecutive run days

If you give it a shot, I’d love your feedback. Happy running, friends! 

One thought on “January Goal Check-in and Couch-to-5-Miler Running Program

  1. Pingback: The ‘Lazy’ Gal’s (or Guy’s) Guide To Getting Fit | Kinetic Fix

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